MM N 665. A tongue-in-cheek poem

A tongue-in-cheek poem scattered with 'spaghetti' Latin phrases. “Oh beauteous land/ in specto nori saltro”.

MM N 665, fol. 1r

Oh beauteous land
oh virtuous Land –
in specto nori saltro Commentary
I ventured to snatch a
Maiden in that Land
Oh salto mortale in alto
In the Eyes of that Land
that Maiden was not old
a mere thirty or so to date
Oh thirty mortale
Yet a Virginal portale
that Young Lady had
managed to make –
But salto mortale
in specto frontale
the act she wished to repeat
So salto mortale
In letto virginale
a carnal craze replete
Gunnargo el Heibergo Commentary. Person

MM N 665, fol. 1v

Oh virtuous Land
Land of Heibergo Commentary. Person
And Bødtker Commentary. Person – I snatched a
Young Miss of 14
while Mr. Munchus
Snatched an old one
of umpteen
Oh Salto mortale
Oh Portale Virginale
El Heibergo in
awe at
the sight of my ruined
Left Working paw –