Munchmuseet, MM K 4221

MM K 4221, Munchmuseet. Datert 30.10.1931. Brev fra R. H. Morton, The Society of Scottish Artists.

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    44 Clermiston Road

    Dear Mr. Munch.

    No doubt Mr. Stenersen has
informed you of the various communications he has
received from our secretary Mr. Walker, and I
trust that you are thoroughly satisfied by the arrangements
being made by us for the works you are good enough
to loan us for our forthcoming exhibition: opening
day Saturday 28th November closing day Saturday
9th January 1932.

    I can assure you that when I propounded
the scheme to our president and Loan Committee
and later to the Council of the Society, the prospect
of having a representative exhibition of your
distinguished work was met with enthusiasm.

    I look back on my visit to Oslo with keen
pleasure, and to the great hospitality I received
from the delightful Norwegian people I was
so fortunate in meeting.

    My visit to your Studios, that lovely,
warm, sunny September afternoon, when we
wandered beneath heavily laden fruit trees
in your orchard and suddenly came upon
fresh triumphs of your Art – at most
unexpected places – stands out as a Red letter



day in my life. I am proud to have met you,
and I thank you most sincerely for the unique
pleasure you have given me.

    I hope that when I revisit Oslo, I
shall have the privilege of meeting you again.
I wish you renewed joy in your work.
I hope to see new masterpieces from your
virile brush.
  With kindest regards.
    Sincerely and gratefully
R.H. Morton.