Munchmuseet, MM N 123

MM N 123, Munchmuseet. Datert 1890. Brevutkast til Richard Aldrich McCurdy.

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Munchmuseet N 123, s. 1

    By reason of {i}an illness
I have not could writh at
you befo before

    I would have writen to you
before but I have been

    I should like to know if
the picture is well arrived
to you – Jou have demanded
after the expences of the
The  … 

    I hope the picture is
well arrived to you – and I
should be very glad to hear
if you are s{ … }atisfied with it.
I should be  …  very glad oblid … 
to you
I should also like  … 
to hear wich other pictures
{ … }you have in your { … }collection.
(the names of the peintres)


Munchmuseet N 123, s. 2

    If you should wish ano{ … }ther
I should be very obliged
to you if you w{a}ouldt
recommend me to your
friends –

    It was not customed
Being not custome
in Norw{y}ay to print the
name of the purchaser i
the cataloge – have I published
your name as owner purchaser
of une C{f}onfession in the
newspaper – and if you


Munchmuseet N 123, s. 3

wish I shall send { … }you a
copy of {the}it – when I is returned
to Norw{ … }ay –

    I should be very much
obliged to you if you
would recommand me to
any of your friends – and
if you could

    The norvegiens The norwegiens
are poor – a they cannot
have not
The peintres in Norway
and never purchais
the pictures –