Munchmuseet, MM K 4226

MM K 4226, Munchmuseet. Datert 26.01.1940. Brev fra The Society of Scottish Artists.

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    James A. Walker
    Chartered Accountant


8 York Place
EDINBURGH 1. 26th January 1940.

    Dear Sir, (or Madam).

    I am directed to supplement the letter, addressed
to Members on the 20th September 1939, intimating the
Council’s decision to cancel all arrangements for the 46th
Annual Exhibition.

    In the time which has elapsed, opportunity has
been given for a review of that decision. Bearing in mind
the general tension and uncertainty prevailing during the
first few weeks of the war, and the fact that owing to
lighting restrictions the glass roof of the Royal Scottish
Academy Galleries
had been blacked-out, the Council are
still of the opinion that no other decision was open to
them. While a number of important and successful
exhibitions have been held in London and elsewhere since
the beginning of the war, the responsible authorities were
not faced with all the same circumstances and difficulties
that were before the Council.

    In view of the continued immunity from air-raids
enjoyed up to the present, the Council have carefully
considered the project of holding a smaller exhibition
during the spring in some central building in Edinburgh.
Although such a building was found available, at a nominal
rent, it was calculated that the net cost of such an
exhibition, which might have remained open to the public
during the hours of daylight for about three weeks, would
have resulted in a deficiency practically equal in amount
to the net cost of an Exhibition in the Royal Scottish
Academy Galleries arranged on normal lines and extending
for the normal period. The Council reluctantly decided
that with these facts and estimates before them it would
not be in the interests of the Society to proceed with the
project; and it was agreed to make this decision known
both to the Members of the Society and to the public.

    At the same time however the Council decided to
state publicly their intention to hold the usual Annual
Exhibition in the autumn of 1940. It is proposed that
full particulars should be published with regard to this
Exhibition, after the Annual General Meeting in April.

    I am,
Yours faithfully,
James A. Walker